PFPL Chapter 14 Generic Programming
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Many programs are instances of a pattern in a particular situation. Sometimes types determine the pattern by a technique called (typed) generic programming.
Example: the natural number definition in Chapter 9 defines pattern of recursion on values of an inductive type, which is expressed as a generic program.
Consider a function $f:\rho\to\rho’$, we wish to extend $f$ to a transformation from type $\lbrack \rho/t\rbrack\tau$ to $\lbrack \rho/t\rbrack\tau$ by applying $f$ to various spots in the inputs, where $\rho$ occurs to obtain a value of type $\rho’$, leaving the rest of data structure alone.
$\tau$ can be $\text{nat}\times t$ and $f$ can be extended to $\text{nat}\times\rho\to\text{nat}\times\rho’$ that transform $\langle a,b\rangle$ to $\langle a,f(b)\rangle$.
Ambiguity and Type Operator
Ambiguity arises in many-one nature of substitution. A type can have the form $\lbrack\rho/t\rbrack\tau$ in different ways, according to how $t$ occur in $\tau$.
The ambiguity is resolved by giving a template that marks the occurrences of $t$ in $\tau$ at which $f$ is applied.
Such template is known as type operator $t.\tau$, which is a abstractor binding type variable $t$ and type $\tau$.